Lakewood tennis Association |
LTA Constitution and By-Laws
(Revised March 7, 2002)
This organization shall be known as the Lakewood Tennis Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association, “LTA” or the "The Club"). The Association shall be in conjunction with the Department of Community Resources of the City of Lakewood.
The purpose of the Association is: (1) to promote and stimulate interest in recreational and competitive tennis, and (2) to promote and facilitate affordable recreational tennis within the City of Lakewood for existing players and those interested in beginning the sport of tennis. The Association shall function under the guidelines set forth by the United States Tennis Association ( USTA ). Ranking or rating within the Association for the purpose of establishing relative levels of ability shall be in accordance with USTA rules.
Regular membership in the Association shall be open to all adults at least eighteen (18) years of age. Regular membership shall be by payment of an annual membership fee in an amount to be determined annually by the Executive Committee of the Association. Annual membership dues are effective January 1st through December 31st. Full membership dues are payable without regard to date of membership and are due at the time of application. Persons with delinquent membership dues after February 15th of the current year shall be dropped from membership until such dues are paid. New members will be required to pay dues at the time of joining the Association (which will be for the current year's membership). A full refund of membership dues may be obtained if requested to a board member and approved by the Executive Committee prior to March 1st of each year. To be eligible for Association events, membership in the Association must be secured prior to entering any event. Exceptions to this policy may be for social events and team events when there are insufficient entries, but exceptions must be approved by the Executive Committee. All individuals or team members sponsored by the Association shall be members in good standing of the same. League participation shall be controlled by current USTA rules.
Officers/Executive Committee
Section 4.1 -- Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the current club officers as set forth below. The Executive Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of conducting the Association=s affairs. The retiring club president may also serve on the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity for one year. He/she shall be entitled to vote on those issues designated for Executive Committee vote. In addition, an advisory person(s) may be designated by the Executive Committee as deemed necessary. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4.2 -- Election of Officers
A. Elections of officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be held at the regular Executive Committee meeting in December and shall be by either written ballot or by voice vote and will require a simple majority of the Association members present. Newly elected officers shall assume their respective duties at the first Executive Committee meeting of the new year.
B. The voting officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Activities Director, Secretary, Membership Coordinator, League Coordinator(s), Representatives-at-Large (comprised of the various NTRP levels), and any other Special Program Representatives which may be deemed appropriate for the continuing success and promotion of LTA supported activities -- such representatives to be authorized on an as-needed basis by voting members of the Executive Committee. Each officer shall be a regular member of the Association. Membership dues for Executive Committee members shall be waived for the duration of their term. Officers shall be elected for a twelve (12) month period. Should any office become vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the members present at the next regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting.
Section 4.3 - Duties of Executive Committee
A. President:
(1) Shall call and preside in all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the club membership.
(2) Shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for and shall see that all officers and committees perform their respective duties.
(3) With the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the regular standing committees as hereinafter provided.
(4) Shall be responsible for acting as liaison between the Association and the City of Lakewood.
(5) Shall be responsible for reserving the pavilion for club events.
B. Vice President:
(1) Shall assist the president in the performance of his/her duties and shall assume them in the president's absence.
(2) Shall be responsible for all standing committees.
C. Treasurer:
(1) Shall keep accounting records of all assets of the Association.
With the assistance of the Executive Committee, shall prepare the annual budget. The budget is to be approved at the second meeting of the new Executive Committee each year. Expenditures exceeding an amount to be determined at the second Executive Committee meeting of each year shall require approval of the Executive Committee.
D. Secretary:
(1) Shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the Association meetings and recording all proceedings.
(2) Shall maintain the Association’s official corporate records’ book and corporate seal.
(3) Shall be responsible for the filing of all notices required by the State of Colorado pursuant to regulatory compliance of a corporation in good standing.
E. Newsletter Editor: Shall compile and distribute a monthly newsletter to include upcoming schedule of events, league information, and other events pertinent to the Association membership.
F. Activities Director: Shall be responsible for coordinating all activities for club events; shall be in charge of all draws and will have final say in seeding and making up the draw sheets for all club events.
G. Membership Coordinator: Shall compile a roster of all current and new members and coordinate the distribution of the annual roster to each Association member.
H. League Coordinator(s): Shall coordinate all league activities sponsored by the Association and reserve courts and assign courts for all activities.
I. Representative(s)-at-Large: Shall represent the Association at Executive Committee meetings and the President in such other matters as he/she shall direct.
Association Business
The business of the Association shall be conducted at such times as shall be appropriate or necessary. Any current members shall have the right to request that any subject be presented for consideration by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall hold meetings monthly, or as directed by the President. The Newsletter Editor shall be charged with the duty of notifying each member of the date, time and place of such monthly meeting.
Amendments to these Constitution and By-Laws may be made by the Executive Committee. Notice of a meeting where an amendment is to be considered must be received by each voting member of the Executive Committee at least two (2) weeks before the meeting is to be held. A two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee shall be required to effect an amendment. Further, the amendment must also be approved by the majority of Association members at the very next regular Executive Committee meeting.
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